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- Title: Zombie Town
- Year: 2007
- Duration: 1h 35m
- Rating: 4.3
- Genres: Comedy, Action, Horror
Summary Zombie Town 2007
Local mechanic Jake La Fond's life is suddenly disrupted when mysterious parasites transform the law-abiding citizens of his quaint hometown into hoards of cannibalistic Zombies.
Local mechanic Jake LaFond's life is suddenly disrupted when mysterious parasites transform the law-abiding citizens of his quaint hometown into hoards of cannibalistic zombies. Isolated from the outside world by an accident on the only road out of town, Jake turns to Alex, his ex-girlfriend, for help. Together they try to solve the mystery behind this rapidly spreading infection. As the town grows deadlier by the moment, Jake's gun-toting rival, Randy, becomes the third person in this trio of unlikely heroes and the battle is on. Between blood hungry grandmothers and lethal domestic animals, Jake, Alex and Randy must fight to make it through the night. Can they survive?
Synopsis Zombie Town 2007
Deep in the woods by interstate 179 over by Otis, Vermont, a man is running for his life form an unknown threat. He stops when he sees his friend Brett, who is laying on the ground mutilated. Distracted by the horrifying sight, he is caught by his assailant and brutally attacked off-camera.Later that night up on the nearby mountain, camping in a cabin are Ed Calbert and his friends, Mitch Smith and Gary Johnson. While talking about Ed's girlfriend, he and Gary get into a fight during a conversation about his drinking; at that moment, the man from the beginning of the film staggers up to the cabin and falls halfway into the open window, bloody in the face with his neck torn open. The boys recognize him to be Ray, Gary's brother, who was out hunting with their cousin Brett. Ray attacks Gary as he approaches the window; Ed and Mitch try to fight Ray off, but through the window Ray manages to slam Ed against a wall, knocking him out, and then enters the cabin to kill Mitch, heedless of Mitch's defensive assault.
The next day, Jake Lafond, the struggling son of a late mechanic who has taken over the shop with his brother Denton, is working on the engine of an ice cream truck in the garage. Moments later he is approached by Mr. Conrad, the elderly owner of the truck. Mr. Conrad is furious with Jake for not having the truck running since he'd promised to finish repairing it the previous week; as he reprimands Jake and warns him of a lawsuit should he not finish the job, Jake is unable to restrain a smile, showing he clearly is not taking the matter seriously. Disgusted by Jake's attitude and claiming his father was the only one of their family who knew anything about fixing cars, Mr. Conrad leaves in a huff.
Jake returns inside, complaining about Mr. Conrad's yelling to Denton, who in turn asks him what's wrong with the truck. Jake obviously has no clue, and Denton reminds him sternly that they don't have much money to keep the shop running. He declares that, although their father was the best mechanic around, he was terrible at bookkeeping for the shop, which Denton has been trying to take over for despite their father's barely legible records. During their conversation, Denton receives a call reporting an abandoned truck up on the highway outside of town, and though Jake seems reluctant to go out to get it, he relents when Denton insists they need to take every job they can get.
On the way up, they run into Alex, Jake's ex girlfriend, who is on a water sampling trip for the state laboratory. She greets Jake rather warmly, thanks him for showing up to her mother's recent funeral, and asks him to call her sometime. Jake seems a little down during the conversation, but the whole time, Denton is laughing to himself, knowing they still have feelings for each other.
When they arrive up further, Jake and Denton see a truck belonging to the Johnson brothers, whom they know personally. Having heard of their trip to the cabin, the boys arrive at it only to be confronted by Mitch Smith, who appears bloody and deranged. He attacks them, biting Denton on the shoulder, before Jake snatches up one of the campers' abandoned rifles and shoots him in the head. Looking inside, Jake sees the other campers laying around massacred in the cabin. He tells Denton, but he is unable to get Denton up on his feet, as his leg was broken in the struggle with Mitch.
Jake drives back into town quickly to get help. He finds Alex on his way to the sheriff's station. When they get there, although sheriff Lou Brubaker is dubious about their story, his secretary's report of an old lady and her dog being attacked in the same area, as well as a local's report of a crashed construction vehicle on the same road, convince him to investigate. On the road outside the highway while firemen and paramedics surround the area, Lou, Jake and Alex compare notes about the murders, but are unable to come to a reasonable conclusion. Because the incidents happened outside of town, Lou laments that the state forces will have to handle further action. Suddenly, Alex spots Denton at the edge of the woods, snarling and appearing to be eating something dead. Everyone rushes toward him, but recoil at his aggressive primal behavior; Denton is captured and sealed in a jail cell at the station. Lou, keeping watch on Denton at the station, is unable to quiet him down; Denton roars and throws himself repeatedly against the cell bars. Soon he shrinks back against the wall, appearing in agony, shrieking, as his flesh splits open and slimy creatures like slugs crawl out of his body. The creatures spread out around the station, and while Lou is using the bathroom, one of the slugs enters the toilet and attacks him from below.
At a local pool bar, Randy, a street plower playing a game with his two buddies, spots Alex and Jake talking about the day's events and approaches them before they are about to return to the station. He teases Jake about leaving Denton behind on the mountain. Jake retorts about his claim to being a public servant, scorning him for being no more than a street plower, and then he leaves with Alex. They enter Lou's office at the station just after he is attacked in the bathroom, and are unable to find him. Alex suggests staying behind to look around, and while the two split up, she finds Denton, mutilated in his cell with slits everywhere, slugs still crawling out of them. A slug almost attacks Alex, but Randy, having followed them both there, appears from behind her and stomps it flat, saving her. Jake arrives and sees Denton destroyed, and Alex restrains him from frantically yanking open the cell door as he screams his brother's name. The three run toward the exit, but Alex stops on the way, grabs up a jar of candy, empties it and traps a slug in it. Taking it with her, she hurries out the door after Jake and Randy. Lou emerges shortly from the bathroom, barely able to walk, and appearing stunned and disoriented.
At the bingo hall, Margaret Mahoney, the old lady who was attacked while walking her dog, is entering for a game. As she arrives at a table with her friends, they ask her what has happened to her arm, which has a bandage wrapped around it. She claims Mr. Slippers, her dog, bit her. The other ladies wonder if he is rabid, but Marge insists he is fine.
At the town laboratory, Alex, Jake and Randy study the slug Alex caught. Although it was alone, it seemed to reproduce itself without a partner. Randy suggests that the slugs are a form of biological terrorist weapon, since Otis is a small town with little governmental involvement and nobody would suspect such a focused attack to be directed there. Alex remembers Denton's infection and hypothesizes that the slugs are parasites which use human bodies as vessels for transference, utilizing the hosts as shields so they will never have to reveal their true vulnerable forms. While inside a host, the parasites trigger violent behavior to make the host attack and eat others, feeding the parasites, which then reproduce at an alarming rate, soon filling the host to the maximum limit. Once this happens, Denton's story is explained: the parasites break out of the body, each seeking a new individual host to repeat the cycle.
Remembering Marge's dog being attacked, Alex decided the boys should check on her, as well as return to the sheriff's station to warn Lou. Randy, unable to see any other solution for ridding the town of the infection before it spreads, suggests shooting the infected people in the head. Alex rejects the idea, explaining that the parasites would only leave the dead bodies like they did Denton, and find more hosts. She says they must be burnt, and Randy, recognizing the slug-like appearance of the parasites, tries sprinkling salt on one of them--a method which proves to be truly effective, killing the parasite in seconds.
During the game at the bingo hall, Marge suddenly turns vicious, grabbing another woman's arm and biting it. As the hall attendants scream and try to rush out, she charges and attacks others as well.
Randy and Jake head toward the sheriff's station, but they spot Lou exiting the station as they stop in front of it, stumbling dizzily up behind their truck. Realizing it's too late to warn him, they prepare to take off, only to notice Mr. Slippers approaching the truck from the front. Randy makes a quick decision and presses forward, running over the dog as Lou begins to chase them. They arrive soon at the bingo hall, but see old men and women running screaming out of it. Upon entering, they find several elderly lying dead around the hall, and Marge eating one of the bodies. After a couple chest shots with his rifle, then a head shot, Randy finally puts her down. The bodies strewn about begin waking up, infected, and Jake and Randy, outnumbered, bolt for the exit.
At the lab, Alex continues to take notes on the parasites, recording her findings on tape. The parasites can reproduce every twenty minutes with enough food. They behave as a hive in their reproduction methods. As an advanced maneuver, any individuals isolated from the colony adapt themselves, transforming into breeders--another way to keep the infection spreading around. She again confirms salt as the parasite's worst enemy; since the town's salt marsh surrounded the mountain where the disease apparently originated, it was initially confined until Denton was infected and brought into the town jail. While she is pondering this, Lou suddenly enters and attacks Alex, but she stuffs a handful of salt down his throat, which kills the parasites inside him; Lou drops dead to the floor. Jake and Randy return moments later. Alex lifts Lou up onto the examining table and dissects him from the back, revealing that the initial parasite attached itself to his spine. From here it injected hormones that reached the brain, transforming it into a more fragile state not unlike rabies or advanced Alzheimer's.
Jake wants to escape the town, but Randy and Alex convince him to fight the infection with them so it doesn't spread outside of Otis. Randy suggests using salt from the town depot; Jake agrees, deciding that they can replace the bullets inside shotgun shells with the salt so that a single shot to any infected person will instantly kill them and destroy all parasites inside. Along the way, the three begin revisiting locations around town where the infection apparently reached. At the bingo hall, they shoot down the remaining infected elderly, and then run outside when they hear screams coming from a nearby warehouse party. Entering the warehouse, they find many teenagers running around screaming while the infected chase and bite them. Randy and Jake take them out with guns, and Randy uses a chainsaw to cut off the bitten leg of a boy to save him from the parasite. While Alex and a few survivors help carry him away to help stop the bleeding, Jake orders one of the teens, Jimbo, to go with Randy to collect the road salt, while Jake and Alex go with two other survivors--Billy and his girlfriend Jenna--into town to find and warn anyone they can on their way back to the mechanic shop, where they will fill the shells with the salt.
On the trip toward the garage, Jake and his group stop by the laundromat Billy's father owns. Billy asks to check on his father, and informs the others that the man usually keeps a few guns around for protection. Jake and Billy enter and find the guns locked away in a case at the back; when a nearby locked door begins shuddering, Jake tells Billy to go out and wait for him. He unlocks the door, revealing Billy's infected father, and shoots him down. They take the guns and reach the shop quickly; while Jake and Alex fill the shells with some road salt the garage contains, Billy and Jenna stand guard. Billy takes out an infected person, and he and Jenna go out to check and make sure it's fully dead. While they're out, Jake and Alex talk about their past relationship. Jake admits he grew distant from Alex after she left Otis to travel to North Carolina. She asks him why he didn't go with her like she had wanted; he claims he has never been sure, and the two share a romantic silence before returning to their work.
At the depot, Randy and Jimbo pull up to the salt stock and Jimbo begins shoveling the salt into the truck bed. Randy enters the depot to search for any more materials, and finds some dynamite in a box, which he takes. He helps Jimbo add more salt to the truck, but they must soon stop when several infected people approach from the roads connected to the depot. As they lock themselves in the truck, Jimbo transforms into a vicious state, revealing that he was bitten during the warehouse party. Randy manages to shoot him despite the other infected reaching into the truck at him through his open window. He fights them off and drives back to the shop.
With everyone grouped together, Randy informs the others about Jimbo's death, and together the survivors estimate the town's infected population to be around one hundred and forty based on their earlier kills and the spread of the infection. They come up with the idea to contaminate the warehouse's waste water storage with the salt Randy has collected, and use bait to round up the town's infected and lure them into the warehouse. At the warehouse, Billy and Jenna attach Randy's dynamite to a tank hatch and wire it to a handle-triggered fuse up on a metal shelf. Afterwards, while Billy and Jenna wait in the warehouse, Jake, Randy and Alex drive around town with the repaired ice cream truck, playing its music and holding a bucket of flesh they've gotten from bodies earlier. As they slow down to give the approaching infected time to catch up, the truck breaks down, and Jake barely manages to bring it running again in time. As they start to head back out again, Randy slips on some of the spilled bait in the back, falling out of the truck and getting mobbed by the infected. Jake and Alex, horrified, have no choice but to continue on. Randy yells out and fires his pistol several times at the swarming infected as they tear into him.
Jake and Alex arrive back at the warehouse where Billy and Jenna are standing on the shelf waiting. The infected come in right after the truck. With barely any time to react, Billy reaches down to turn the fuse on, but the infected quickly reach the shelf and grab at him, forcing him and Jenna back. They begin shooting the infected, trying to clear a space so they can turn the fuse handle, but there are too many of them. Jake and Alex climb out of the ice cream truck and on top of it to help; Jake shouts to Billy, telling him to shoot the tank hatch directly to blow up the dynamite. Before Billy can do so, the infected begin rattling and swaying the shelf, forcing Billy and Jenna to grab the side bars to keep their balance. The infected tip over the shelf, which pins Billy to the ground and traps Jenna against a wall, where she is quickly cornered and killed. Billy, bleeding from the mouth but still alive, reaches frantically for the fallen fuse handle next to him, but he is a few inches too far from it, and the infected reach and kill him seconds later.
Jake, knowing he's too far away from the tank to get a clear shot, jumps down from the truck to approach it himself. Alex remains on top of the truck, shooting at the infected to prevent them from getting to him. One slips through and struggles with him, and when Jake tries to shoot it, he finds his shotgun empty. At the last moment, Randy, now infected but with his mind still intact, enters the warehouse and raises his pistol, shooting Jake's assailant in the head. The dead man falls on top of Jake as he tries to scramble away, twisting his ankle. Randy aims at the tank and fires again, blasting the hatch off the side. Salt water gushes from the opening, flooding the warehouse and drenching the infected, who all collapse to the ground, their bodies foaming and melting.
Jake and Jenna get up and slowly walk out of the warehouse, Jenna supporting him under the shoulder. They talk teasingly about moving to a different town, and Jake suggests North Carolina, which Alex likes. Behind them, the remaining infected emerge unseen from behind the collapsed shelf and start running around, revealing that the problem is not over.